Online Astronomy Bookstore

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365 Starry Nights

This is an Excellent book to learn the sky and consolations month by month. I read it throughout the year. For beginner to advance amateur astronomers. Would make a great gift.

Turn Left at Orion

This is an Excellent book for beginner amateur astronomers. The book identifies what objects in the sky are easiest to find, and the best to look at.

The National Audubon Society
Field Guide to the Night Sky

Must Have for any amateur astronomer who uses binoculars or a telescope. Great star charts. Great Reference.


Good book for binoculars, small telescope, and the naked eye amateur astronomers. Contains Northern and Southern sky maps and constellation charts. Includes topics such as the history of astronomy, types of stars and other celestial objects, techniques, and equipment.

Advance Skywatching

Starts where Skywatching ends. Contains a wealth of knowledge. Good Reference book. Cover binocular astronomy to 20 inch telescope use. Contains star maps.
